Giving Back

Stay Safe Security understands the importance of making a real, lasting difference in the community. They do this by sponsoring local sports groups, events and workshops aimed at progression. Anthony, the founder and CEO of the company has founded an anti-knife crime campaign #KEEPSHEFFIELDSTAINLESS focuses on decreasing the rate of knife crime in Sheffield and surrounding areas.
“I am always looking for ways to strengthen communities, especially around knife crime. If you have an idea or a project you would like to explore, give me a shout. Let’s make it happen”
– Anthony Founder & CEO


KEEP SHEFFIELD STAINLESS is a knife crime campaign created by us to help reduce knife crime and support communities with what they are faced with during these violent times. The campaign offers:

A FREE knife/weapon collection and disposal service in and around Sheffield. We will come to a location of your choice, collect and dispose of all knife/weapons safely. All collections are documented as advised by the police.
A FREE knife crime workshop, which aims to give an understanding of knife crime. The modules focus on the facts and stats, are you more likely to be stabbed if you carry a knife? Is knife crime on the rise? Conflict management, looks at ways to see conflict before it arises and de-escalate conflict before it becomes violent. The aftermaths of knife crime focus on the people affected by knife crime: NHS staff, Friends and families and a knife attacker. The final module aims to give attendees the motivation and inspiration to go on and lead successful lives.
A FREE support group aimed at getting victims of knife crime and violence together to share experience’s, coping strategies and help one and other, but most importantly to break the feeling of isolation.


  • Sheffield Caribbean U11s Football Club

  • Sheffield Caribbean U12s Football Club

  • The Forge Youth American Football Team

  • 16+ Care Leavers Providers Engagement Event Rotherham Council

  • Undisputed